The Commodore Story (IMDB)
Kickstater information (here)
Where to buy (here)
I’ve already watched, well streamed the footage of the Blueray pre-release and though the quality of the story being told, the people involved and the continued love for the Commodore computers really comes across in this video.
Its been a very Commodore week. Today my rewards for backing a Kickstarter campaign arrived in the mail today. A beautiful hardcover book and twin Blueray’s on The Commodore Story.
Over the years there has been plenty of documentaries made about Apple, IBM, Atari and plenty of others but one company who you could argue was the most influential throughout the 1980s is often overlooked.
Commodore finally has its day in the sun, and if you ever used, owned or programmed any of the amazing Commodore 8 bits or even the wonderful Amigas then you’ll love to sit down for a few hours and watch this fantastic story called The Commodore Story.