Well, it’s finally here. The C64 Mini, a half size C64 Breadbin shape Commodore without a working keyboard but with 64 built-in games and the ability to add a second joystick, USB keyboard, and your other C64 games via a USB stick.
For more information on the C64 Mini check out the manufactures website here.
The new C64MINI
With some classic C64 titles and some not so classic but still fun to play games included I found Boulder Dash looked great on a 42″ TV and who could forget the introduction voice from Impossible Mission “Another Visitor, Stay awhile, Stay forever…..”
I found the games highly playable, even though a lot different than when I played them back in the 1980’s on a small 13″ monitor. The joystick was ok, but not as good as it could be and so I’ll more than likely get another one to make games easier to play.
TheC64 Mini