Is it just a name?

Since the end of Commodore Business Machines in early 1993 there have been many attempts to revive the company and to use the name which is only remembered by us old timers and while these attempts have been made by various companies time and again they all fall by the wayside.

The latest attempt to bring the once famous brand back from the history pages has been a little different. Instead of attempting to cash in on a Commodore branded computer, either a Windows compatible or a remake of the classic Commodore 64 with the insides of a standard PC, this time, it is a mobile phone, something the original Commodore company never manufactured.

Commodore PET Android mobile phone

The original Commodore PET computer was released way back in 1977, it was one of a trio of computers which changed the world by making complete computers ready for business or home users (the others being TRS-80 model 1 and the Apple II).

It is believed that the new PET mobile phone will come bundled with a Commodore emulator.

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