Over the past 5 years, I have backed via Kickstarter and purchase from specialist book publishers like Bitmap Books a number of extremely high-quality books about my favorite topic retro gaming and computers.
With each new book, I await the delivery with bated breath. The hours, days and months usually go fast and the purchase slips my mine and then out of the blue, another parcel appears on my doorstep.
This afternoon the latest such delivery appeared, just before 5 pm and probably the last delivery for the courier before heading home for the weekend. This was lucky for me as the parcel contained the latest amazing book by Bitmap Books “Metal Slug”.
My first impressions without even opening the book were the hardcover image looked awesome. Flicking through the pages I can see the quality continues, the graphics and images just amazing.
I first remember seeing Metal Slug many, many years ago and thinking it was the best looking 2D game of its type ever and while the years have passed and there have been countless games released I still have never seen such beautiful graphics like this anywhere else.
So later tonight when a get some free time I plan on sitting down and reading through the latest addition to my library.