The long-awaited continuance of Brian’s first book titled Commodore a Company on the Edge has finally made its way to my door.
Mine turned up in the mail from Amazon a week or so ago and I couldn’t have been happier.
I read Brian’s first book about Commodore many years ago now and have been sitting patiently for the next installment and will now find some free time prior to Christmas to get stuck into it.
There have been plenty of books written over the years on Apple and their role in pioneering home computers and even a few about the role Tandy played in getting computers into the homes, schools, and business. But until recently the Commodore brand had all but been forgotten by the mainstream press while never overlooked by the tens of thousands of fans of these magnificent machines.
The Amiga Years picks up the story where volume 1 left off and carries it through the 1987 and not only includes the beautiful Amiga 1000 but the most successful model in the Amiga lineup the A500. There are also chapters on the C128 and the continued success of the C64 in spite of many mainstream press outlets saying that it was all over.
For further information on this awesome book check out the details on Amazons website.